Project in Brazil

In an effort to Citizenship education, our participatory approach aims at educating young people about the value of natural and cultural heritage of our planet and promote the revitalization of the North-South relations. 
Craftsmen, artists and volunteer educators, we want to believe that the basis of our work is the respect for cultural diversity and human diversity. 
We are encouraged by UNESCO in our intercultural process since 1989.
We are dedicated to international solidarity and sustainable development, using an alternative pedagogy based on art, culture, sports, crafts, audiovisual and computer-oriented further education, recognition of our cultural identity and citizenship learning.
Through creative workshops, meetings and intercultural exchange, we want to help in the social and professional integration of young people invested at all stages of implementation of the different activities.
Our specificities: the arts, cultural events and exchanges, integration projects aimed at a better intercultural understanding, promotion of the protection of the environment and peace.
In 1988, in Rio, we help to create the Instituto para Comunicaçao e Desenvolvimento (ICADC) to boost trade and cultural exchanges, between Europe and Latin America. 
Since 1989 under the auspices of the UNESCO, the organization supported locally the animation of the educational campaign « Planet Society, World remains to be done » for a new art of living on Earth.
Active in the World Forum for Environment and Development (UNCED Rio 92), our organization is member of the Global Movement for a Culture of Peace for the Children of the World (UN 2000).
ICADC support the implementation and running of a living place, hosting underprivileged 80 children until their majority with our help. 
This effort, led in 1996 to the creation of Jardim de Gaya, in the West area of Rio.
This lush garden is located halfway between the Port of Sepetiba and the center of Rio.
Facing the mangrove, lies at the foot of the Pedra Branca Park, it is the core of the Ecological and Archaeological Reserve of Guaratiba, located on a road that leads to the beaches of Barra da Guaratiba, Recreio and Grumari, highly prized by surfers and nature lovers.
In conjunction with neighboring schools and supported by Les Apprentis de l’Espérance, local volunteers led activities and proposed various events : « Café-théâtre », « Ciné-club », thematic meetings, creative and artistic workshops, exhibitions, etc. This program was suspended in 2009, after the facilities were devastated by tropical storms and start again slowly in 2012. 
Actualy, envolved with many social partners around, and always open for exchanges, the ICADC continues its approach, in line with her beliefs and her past actions, by and through the involvement of young people towards better intercultural understanding and sustentable development.
The organisation wishes to promote the exchange of experiences concerning the interpretation and preservation of the marine coast of the Atlantic Mata (Forest tropical) and mangrove, whose social, cultural and economic role  participates in maintaining the biodiversity of our planet.
Our goal now is to redevelop, restore and reorganize the existing structure in the spirit of a rural guest house, oriented toward  Ecotourism, with a view to social, economic and sustainable development, as well as the promotion of green tourism and nature sports. 
In conjunction with local institutions, our program is now considering the expansion of social, cultural, artistic and sport activities, with volunteers from the region, always focused on the preservation, the protection and the enhancement of the global environment.
We are looking for participations. 
Eco volunteers,  professionals and students of architecture, design, engineering, geography, biology and other related fields, people interested in developing skills in green building and low environmental impact, and to work in group dynamics are welcome to help us making the dream comes true.

Open to youth around, in any linguage, we animate a voluntary worksite in Rio de Janeiro, to promote exchanges and better cultural comprehension around the world, since 1986.

Before the Mundial and Olympics Games in Rio, the goal today is to lead a special place, to stimulate  privileged exchanges between Europe and Brazil around the concepts of sustainable development and biodiversity conservation.

We hope to stimulate awareness, creativity and entrepreneurship of young people to contribute together to build a better future.

To ensure our project, promote the awakening of vocations to the promotion of new talent and the transfer of knowledge and know-how, and thus help to strengthen our relations with Brazil, we are inviting young european people and looking for partners who may be interested in collaborating established over time.

Actually, with SUSTENTARTE, Ong specialist in bio construction and environmental education in Rio, and many others local partners envolved in cultural action, we invit to discover, develop and / or acquire new skills in related trades building, botany, environmental conservation and social action cultural, for participative and sustainable development.

Framed by professionals who ensure the impact of this project here and there, specific training (80h) in the field of Bio construction, is offered every month, from February 2014.
Objectives of the training course on ecological building techniques (Bio Construction): 
- Master the application of practical techniques and various green building materials
- Gain confidence in the collective development of ecologically correct construction practices
and, overall
Gain confidence in discovering and sharing your habilities and empaties with wonderful people, in a special place wondering build peace.



  1. Olá.

    Vocês conhecem o grupo de teatro "Les Apprentis de l'Espérance Association" ?

    Eles fizeram contato comigo, há muitos anos atrás, pelo meu canal no YouTube.

    No meu canal há um trecho de minha apresentação da peça teatral "Hamlet, de Shakespeare", no formato de "Contação de Histórias para Adultos".

    Eles mesmos se interessaram muito por fazer contato comigo.

    Meu WhatsApp: 21986236443

  2. Este é o canal do "Les Apprentis de l'Espérance Association" que fez contato comigo.
    Vocês o conhecem ?

  3. Este é o canal da "Associação Les Apprentis de l'Espérance" com o qual eles entraram em contato comigo.
    Vocês estão conhecendo?


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